
English Learning Studio

동방불패♡ 2025. 2. 26. 09:30



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If you're learning English, expanding your vocabulary is a great way to improve your communication skills. Below, we've compiled a list of useful words and phrases along with their meanings and example sentences.

How to Use These Words Effectively

  1. Practice with Sentences – Try to create your own sentences using each word.
  2. Use Flashcards – Write the word on one side and the meaning on the other.
  3. Speak It Out Loud – Pronunciation is key when learning new vocabulary.
  4. Watch and Listen – Find movies, TV shows, or podcasts that use these words in context.
  5. Write a Short Story – Incorporate these words into a creative piece to reinforce their meaning.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Misusing "coin" – Many learners think "coin" only refers to money, but it also means "to invent a new term."
  • Confusing "term" and "word" – "Term" is often used in specific fields like medicine or law.
  • Mixing up "panic" and "fear" – "Panic" is an extreme and sudden fear, while "fear" can be more general.

By integrating these words into your daily conversations and writing, you'll develop a richer and more natural English vocabulary. Keep practicing, and don't be afraid to make mistakes—learning a language is all about progress!


1. panic

- meaning : to have a sudden and great fear or anxiety
- The load noise made evveryone panic

2. crowbar

- He used to crowbar to open the stuck door

3. be supposed to

- meaning : used to say what someone should do or what is expected to happen
- They are supposed to be here by 9 o'clock

4. dandy

- meaning : a man who cares too much about his clothes and appearance
- The party was full of dandies, all dresssed in the latest styles

5. term

- meaning : a word or phase used to describe something
- She didn't understand the medical term the doctor used

6. coin

- meaning : to crreate or invent a new word or phrase
- The word "selfie" was coined in the early 2000s

7. cover for somebody

- meaning : to help someone by doing something for them or making execuses for them
- She covered for her friend by saying she was sick

8. scheme

- meaning : to make secret plans, often something bad or sneaky
- She seemed to feel that we were all scheming against her

9. Don't you dare...

- meaning : used to tell somebody strongly not to do something
- Don't you dare speak to me like that!

10. ground

- meaning : to punish someone by not allowingg them to go out or do cerrtain things
- She was grounded for a week because sh roke the rules

11. sugar-coat

- meaning : to make something seem more pleasant than it really is
- She sugar-coated the bad news to make it easier for him to handle

12. walk on eggshells

- meaning : to be very careful around someone because they are easily upset or angered
- In the office, everyone iss walking on eggshells around the new boss

13. fragile

- meaning : easily hurt or afffected. either emotioally or physically
- After the breakup he is emotionally fragile and needs support

14. for fear of

- meaning : to avoid something bad happening
- She stayed inside for fear of catching a cold

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